My journey to the cloud native ecosystem
It all started from here, I started my open source journey a month back and what a time to come across KubeCon NA 2022,I was very excited I applied for the scholarship and waited for the result day.
Finally the day arrived and it was my first KubeCon, although virtually.
Well, what is KubeCon!?
It is Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathering adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities align="left")
The previous day
I visited the Special Offers section of the sponsors that listed their free giveaways/raffles for both virtual & in-person attendees..
AlSo WhY tO MisS sUCh OFffeRs aND GivEaWays:)
The Kubecon Day1-Day2-Day3
I had been overwhelmed by the list of events in the schedule I had gone through the events and scheduled some by going through the beginner level track.
So also before heading to KubeCon Joining the CNCF Slack workspace is important where you can find channels for discussing specific topics in a public setting or have private 1:1 chats to help shape meaningful connections.
My day 1 and day 2 hosted off with the CNCF-hosted co-located events: Cloud Native Wasm Day, Cloud Native eBPF Day, and Cloud Native SecurityCon.
Since I was contributing to a kubernetes security open source project I kicked off with Cloud Native SecurityCon which was truely by my experince breathtaking ,I got to know about the best evolving security practices and tools , here are some of the
Securing Access to Kubernetes Infrastructure with Kubernetes Zero Trust Principles
This talk had me on the edge of my seat the whole time , when it comes to Kubernetes security and controlling access to clusters across teams of developers, operators, contractors, and partners who need varying levels of access this tool can come in handy.
The DoK day
This is the event where knowledge and decisions about the future of data on Kubernetes is shared, the best practices and use cases and learn about advancements in the use of Kubernetes for data.
Also not just knowledge intake it had great musical performances by Bart and his team,but honestly Bart Killed it with his rap art and poetry.
Check out their youtube channel and enjoy the session :D Some glimpses, from the event
I really wanted to attend the next 3 days but , I missed it because of my college exams :(
Wrap up
Overall to sum up, it was an amazing experience, and I'm glad that I attended it. But, in all honesty, even though this event was of Hybrid Mode, but the actual fun to attend this event is in-person. And I'm hoping to attend this event in person the next time :)
Key takeaways
- Networking Networking is the main aspect of attending KubeCon.
- Engage with communities It is one place that I think helps folks gather around and grow the community and is especially important in helping developers with a traditional background map their existing mental models to the cloud native way of thinking
- Attend mind blogging talks,sessions and workshops
- Get mentorship support.
- Have fun:) too